FAQ's from our Owners

How many property managers and support staff are there at IRE?

We currently have 5 staff members which will increase as required to cover any new clients to ensure a high level of customer service.

How many properties does your company currently manage?

We currently manage over 250 properties.

How many and what days do you usually do open homes for inspection in a week?

We hold home opens for each property at least once per week with the option of weekend opens depending on the market and enquiry level. We also arrange for private viewings and inspections if requested.

Describe your process for referee checks. 

We check applicant rental history, personal reference, employment history, NTD/TICA tenancy databases. We only place high quality tenants for a hassle free tenancy.

How many years has the agency been open for? 

Infinite Real Estate has been operating since 2013. Infinite Real Estate was organically grown (not purchased). 

What type of tenants would you be renting my properties to? 

We would rent to a suitable tenant with good references. Whether that be a couple, family or a group of friends we check applications in detail and don’t discriminate. You will be given the final choice on any applicants.

Besides internet ads, how do you procure high quality tenants? 

Internet advertising is the main source of enquiry. We are well established in multiple Metro areas and have a constant stream of enquiry for our properties. We also have a large client base of investors who look at renting as a part of their financial strategy.

Where and how do you advertise? 

We advertise 100% online. We advertise across 7 websites and advertise on realestate.com.au with premium listings only.

How often are inspections done and do you take photos and send them to me with each inspection? 

We hold inspections every 3 months with an initial inspection after 6 weeks of placing a tenant. We send out a report with photos and maintenance included for the landlord to review.

Does someone personally take prospective tenants through the house or just run an open house? 

We hold private inspections if required or requested by a potential tenant and always try to assist people wishing to view. Home opens are held for 15 minutes each open. This also allows us to hold more home opens for all clients and ensure your property is viewed at minimum once per week.

How and when is rent collected and when can I expect payment? 

Rent is collected as tenants pay. Most tenants pay fortnightly although this is not something we are able to demand. We use a Bpay system for tenants to pay online to ensure the ability to track payments effectively. We pay owners out at the end of each month via EFT payment.

Do you pay outside of the scheduled time? Yes, we are able to do this upon request providing funds are available.

What is your management fee and is it different with the number of houses you manage for me? 

Our management fee is able to be tailored to a client’s requirement. We are happy to discuss this with any owners directly and yes, we do offer multi property discount!

Do you regularly review the rent and how often? 

Rent is reviewed every 6 months and rent is able to be increased (if in line with market conditions) mid-lease as per our lease conditions.

How long before a tenancy expiry do you start the process of renewal? 

We begin the lease renewal procedure 2 months prior to the end of the lease allowing enough time for paperwork to be signed. If a tenant is vacating we will begin re-advertising up to 1 month before the tenants vacate.

What do you do if the tenant is in arrears? 

We have a 3 strike policy. After a tenant is late in rent payments (2 days) we breach. If they are late twice on the third occasion we send a straight termination notice giving tenants 7 days to make payment or face further legal action. At this point we would be in contact in regards to your options.

If required, would you represent me in a tribunal and what are the costs? 

We attend all legal hearings for our properties. The costs of court appearance will be detailed with your management authority.

Do you have a maintenance 'tradie' that you regularly use who can fix issues and also maintain the lawn? 

We have multiple garden, maintenance and qualified trades who assist on all property needs. We have a great working relationship with our nominated trades who have been working with our staff for over 4 years.